Building Program
STAGES 1 to 6
After years of planning, in late 2015 Kim Mukuka’s dream of providing a place of education for orphaned and disadvantaged children in Zambia became a reality. Following the opening of the school in January 2013, it wasn’t until September 2015 that the school moved into premises owned by Blessed to Bless.
Ipalo Christian School (ICS) is located on three plots of land on the outskirts of Chingola, a township in the Copperbelt region of Zambia. The School plot (3.1ha) was purchased by Zambia’s Child. The adjoining Agricultural plot was donated by the local Council. With an additional plot purchased by Zambia’s Child in 2021 to expand the Agricultural operations, the total land area of the school is now approximately 6ha.
The overall Masterplan for ICS will eventually accommodate 420 students from Preschool to Grade 12.
Stage 1 – commenced in 2015 and completed in 2016
Stages 1A and 1B of the project commenced in July 2015 and were completed in September 2015.
These works incorporated a classroom module consisting of 3 classrooms, an office and storeroom, and toilet facilities for both students and staff. This work included a septic system with the capacity to cater, to some degree, for future expansions of the school. A water bore and hand operated pump was also installed with a tank stand ready for future installation of a water tank.
Two shipping containers were converted (these had previously been sent from Australia to Zambia, full of second-hand goods for the local communities). The large container is being used as a secure area to store various items, including building materials for future works, and the smaller container was converted into a temporary kitchen, which also serves as a sentinel point for night security. The smaller container is now being used as a food storage container.
In addition, the Stage 1 works included the installation of a boundary fence to the perimeter of the site, including security gates at the entry point. It would have been ideal to use security fencing similar to schools in Australia, but that was unaffordable so instead, African ‘game fencing’ was used.
Stage 1C works, undertaken in July 2016, included the construction of a caretaker’s cottage and installation of a water tank, solar powered pump and provision of running water to the kitchen, front of the classroom module and connection to the toilets for flushing. This meant water no longer had to be carried from the bore in large containers.
Stage 2 – completed in 2017 and 2018
Stage 2 works were completed during 2017 and early 2018. These works included construction of a second classroom module, additional toilet facilities, a covered area for the students to play and eat their daily lunch meal, a chicken run to provide chicken meat for the lunches, a security kiosk and BBQ area. The Agricultural worker has been busy developing gardens which, with the assistance of a team of rostered parents, produce fresh vegetables for the lunches.
In May 2018 a water tank and solar powered pump were installed on the bore on the agricultural plot. This provided running water for the gardens and chickens.
Stage 3 – completed 2019
Stage 3 works commenced in February 2019 with the laying of the concrete slab for Classroom Module 3. This module was completed in late 2019 with Module 4 which was accelerated thanks to a wonderful bequest. Completion of these works meant a classroom was ready for the inaugural secondary school class in 2020 and Grades 1 to 4 no longer had to operate as morning or afternoon only classes. Stage 3 also included a cottage for the Agricultural Worker.
Stage 4 – completed 2019
Stage 4 works resulted in the building of Classroom Module 4. This provided an additional 3 classrooms to position the school to accommodate its first class of secondary students as our Grade 7 class graduated to Grade 8.
Stage 5 – completed 2021
The Stage 5 works completed in 2021 delivered the additional facilities required to accommodate our most senior secondary students who are entering Grade 10 in 2022. The works included an additional Classroom Module and office, a new Amenities Block and the school’s first Science Lab. Works undertaken in 2021 also included the installation of the first phase of our solar system which is a major milestone for the school. This provides power during the day for the students and staff and security lighting at night.
Stage 6 – completed December 2022
The Stage 6 works were completed in December 2022, including the school’s second Science Lab, an additional Classroom Module (bringing total number of classrooms up to 18 in total), another Amenities Block (doubling the size of the one built in 2021), and excitedly, the first half of a boarding house which will initially accommodate up to 24 students who live in very poor home circumstances.
In August 2022 Ipalo Christian School was also finally connected to electricity, which will be a great back up especially during the rainy season.
We would also like to acknowledge the generous support of the following organisations who have funded the Capital Works completed to-date:
Land purchase – School Plot | Nadia and Alf Taylor Foundation Zambia’s Child supporters (direct or through Anglican Aid) |
Classroom Module 1, Amenities Block, Caretaker’s Cottage | Nadia and Alf Taylor Foundation |
School Plot Solar Pump and Tank | United Nations Womens’ Guild |
Classroom Module 2 and Amenities | Nadia and Alf Taylor Foundation |
Chicken Run | Nadia and Alf Taylor Foundation Zambia’s Child supporters (direct or through Anglican Aid) |
Agricultural Plot Solar Pump and Tank | United Nations Womens’ Guild |
Land – Agricultural Plot 1 | Donated by Local Council |
School Plot additional Solar Pump and Tank | Zambia’s Child supporters (through Anglican Aid) |
Classroom Module 3, Agricultural Worker’s Cottage | Zambia’s Child supporters (direct or through Anglican Aid) |
Classroom Module 4 | Bequest Zambia’s Child supporters (direct or through Anglican Aid) |
Classroom Module 5 and Amenities | The Beit Trust Lead Forensics |
First Science Laboratory | Lead Forensics |
Solar system | Zambia’s Child supporters (direct or through Anglican Aid) |
Land Purchase – Agricultural Plot 2 | Zambia’s Child supporters (direct Land Purchase) – Agricultural Plot 2 |
Second Science Laboratory, Classroom Module 6, Amenities Block, Boarding House and sporting facilities | Lead Forensics |
Fundraising needs
Funds are needed for the future stages of construction. Your generous support would be appreciated.
If you are interested in donating towards the next phase you can do so directly to Zambia’s Child or via our partner Anglican Aid please go to our Donate page by pushing the Donate button below;
Please take a look at the images below which show the progressive building stages of the school up to the completion of Stage 6 and the Solar System.