
Your Investment will Change Lives

Your Donation will change the lives of the children in the Zambia’s Child program. Your funds will be put to good use in the field in Zambia. Remember Zambia’s Child is run by a team of volunteers which minimises administration costs and maximised the funds that actually get to the areas of need in the field. Over 90% of funds raised each year reach our operations in Zambia.

Your donation can contribute to the area of your choice including Child Sponsorship (see Sponsor a Student information below), Monthly Operational expenses, our Building program or our Staff.
There are three options below to make a donation; directly to Zambia’s Child, or if you require tax deductibility, via Anglican Aid.  Please follow the instructions below;

Donate directly to Zambia’s Child
If you wish to donate directly to Zambia’s Child please click on the Donate button to pay via Paypal, OR make a Direct Deposit to:

Blessed to Bless Incorporated
BSB: 032-188
Account: 332037
Reference: <reason for donation>

Donate Now

Click here to fill out a donation form through Anglican Aid to receive a tax deductible receipt. Alternatively, if a tax deduction is not required, you may donate direct to Zambia’s Child using PayPal:

Donate via PayPal

or to the Zambia’s Child Westpac Account:
Account Name: Zambia’s Child
BSB: 032-188
Account Number: 332037

Donate via Anglican Aid

If you wish to make a Tax Deductible donation please click on the Anglican Aid button below to donate through Anglican Aid.

Sponsor a Student

Sponsoring a child in our educational program has such a significant impact on their lives, not only from an educational perspective but emotionally, physically and spiritually.  The smiles on the faces of our students, who would not attend school without the generous support of our Sponsors, is a joy to behold.  It is this joy that drives the staff and volunteers at the school, the volunteers on both the Zambian Board and Australian Committee, and our faithful Sponsors.

There are three programs for Sponsorship:

Student Sponsorship Program at Ipalo Christian School (ICS)

Along with school attendance, Primary School Sponsorship includes the following items:

  • Uniforms (class and sports) and shoes (school and sports)
  • Text books and stationery
  • Nourishing daily meals at school (morning tea and lunch)
  • Medical needs of students
  • Counselling and support for families in crisis

Secondary School student sponsorship is a slightly higher cost than Primary School student sponsorship (an extra $5/month) due to the increased costs involved in educating Secondary School students.

Staff Sponsorship Program at Ipalo Christian School (ICS)

Staff sponsorship can be a partial contribution to a staff member’s salary, or full sponsorship of a salary (cost will be provided upon enquiry). With the increase each year in the number of students, there is a growing need for more staff at the school. In 2023 there are 47 full time staff plus volunteers and sponsorship of these roles is vital to the operations of the school.

Tertiary Student Sponsorship Program at various local trade colleges

Tertiary or trade sponsorship is done on a case-by-case basis as costs vary for each course. The cost is not usually more than $1,500 per annum, which includes the equipment and materials required to attend the course. All courses are completed within a twelve-month period. 

If you wish to sponsor a student or staff member, please select your option below and proceed to pay by PayPal or Anglican Aid (please choose Anglican Aid if you would like a tax deductible receipt).  

For additional information click here: 2024 Sponsorship Information

Sponsor directly to Zambia’s Child

If you wish to donate directly to Zambia’s Child please click on the Donate button to pay via PayPal, OR make a Direct Deposit to:

Blessed to Bless Incorporated
BSB: 032-188
Account: 332037
Reference: <reason for donation>

Sponsor directly with Zambias Child via PayPal
Sponsor via Anglican Aid

Any questions please contact us by clicking here.